Nursery Visits from our Therapy Pet, Millie
Introduction to purpose of Millie
Childhood is an important development phase, and through having contact with a suitable, calm dog it provides both emotional and educational benefits. Children develop empathy and nurturing skills, an increased understanding of responsibility and they can take great enjoyment from interactions with these animals. By having Millie visit both the nursery and our out of school club we want to encourage all our children to understand about creating a caring nurturing environment that they can share with Millie. The Staff in both the nursery and the out of school club have been looking at the new Health and Social Care Standards and have been discussing where Millie can support the children in receiving high quality care which is right for them.
“I like when Millie comes to the story corner because she helps us to do good sitting and listening. I like to stroke her. She’s soft!”
Is there a risk in bringing a dog into our nursery and out of care environment?
This policy has been created to highlight that we have carefully thought about the life of the settings, and how through careful management, there is a very low risk of harm.
Millie lives with our Owner/Manager – Victoria and her two children. She has been with them from a puppy. Millie is a Cockapoo – who has a mild temperament, very friendly and has a non-moulting coat. and has attended puppy training classes. Any visitors, or new children will be introduced to Millie prior to her visiting with the other children in the room.
“I think it is fab to have Millie visiting. Dogs are wonderful sensory friends and a fab safe ear to talk to and to trust. Fab for learning dog safety too!”
Day to day management of Millie:
Millie will:
Not attend the setting if she is unwell
Spend time in the setting, away from the children to become accustomed to her new environment, the smells, sounds and different people she will meet.
She will attend the settings with her owner Victoria for short periods of time. She will not be in the setting for more than 3 hours at a time.
She will be kept on a lead when meeting new children or a new environment for the first time, and until both her and the children are comfortable and confident with the situation.
She will have a bed and crate in the setting to create a safe space for her at the Foyer.
Be given space away from the children if she seems to be becoming distressed in the situation. She will be taken home by her owner Victoria if this happens.
“A great idea. A great opportunity to teach the children how to approach a dog when out and about.”
Children will:
Create a calm environment for Millie to join, small group times where they can share news with Millie or Story times where she can join them.
Spend time discussing what is appropriate behaviour when Millie is in visiting and help create a floor book with their own rules for her visits.
Understand what calm means and be able to explain this to their friends and other visitors.
Understand what gentle hands are and be able to explain this to their friends and other visitors.
Be respectful of Millie and understand that they are not to put their face into Millie’s face.
Understand that they should not give Millie food.
Learn about how Millie shows her emotions, understand what barking or growling means for a dog, what wagging their tail means and what whining means. The children will be able to talk about their own emotions around Millie’s visits and be able to explain this to their friends and other visitors.
Children will understand what risks they and Millie can cause to each other – for example if they tease her or if they pull on her – and be able to explain why they need to considerate of her when she is visiting. The children will create a risk assessment for the room and will share this with their friends and other visitors.
Children will be allowed to decide if they would like to join in with Millie’s visit, if they decide not to they will spend time in another area of the nursery during her visit.
“Sounds like a good idea to introduce children to a ‘friendly’ dog. Familiarisation with animals for those who don’t have pets at home.”
Health and Safety & Infection Control Procedures
Millie will be walked regular during her stay at the setting out with the gardens, and an adult will have deal with any dog fouling appropriately.
Any fouling in the setting will be cleared up by an adult, using appropriate PPE and antibacterial products.
Staff will wash their hands after having contact with Millie both in the rooms and in Millie’s own space at the Foyer.
“Very good idea for children, especially children who don’t interact with them on a daily basis! Great for shy kids too and a bit of mindfulness. I love the forward thinking and positive attitude to animals and children.”
Children will:
Children will discuss hand washing and understand why they need to clean their hands after contact with Millie and be able to explain this to their friends and other visitors.
Point for discussion with our families (both existing and any new families to the settings):
As a setting we have developed a consultation process for our families. We will be taking their views into consideration when using Millie to support the children. No child in our care currently has an allergy to any pets, and no family has raised any concerns to the management team about Millie attending the setting. If this was to change then the management team would review how Millie attends the settings and how she can be further used to support the children.
Planning for Millie’s Visits:
Management will:
Distribute Millie’s policy and risk assessment to all Families of both services and hold a small consultation to receive feedback on our plans for Millie’s visits.
Millie’s visits will have a phased plan – allowing for adequate preparation for both Millie and the children in understand the benefits involved.
Staff will:
Read Animal Matters to understand how Animals have been used in other settings.
Meet and spend time with Millie, allowing her to become comfortable with the staff and the environment – this will take place during staff meetings when no children are in the setting.
Staff will read both Millie’s policy and risk assessment and as a team will make a plan for how they will introduce Millie’s visits to the children.
Staff will plan for Millie’s visits and consult with Victoria on this process.